Saturday, April 23, 2011

Tools of the Trade

To be Detailed out further later.

Instead of shaping up every possible weapon and accessory, a point based table to build up custom weapons to fit the player's need.

It's Not Just What You Know.

Sub Stats exist that represent the availability of Contacts and Supplies.

Knowing the right person or being able to get the right item is treated similar to an attribute check. The TN is set by the Narrator in reference to how hard the item or person would be to find.

Threat Scale

Threat Scale adjusts the health system to represent the difficulty or severity of the scene. It is set at the start of a scene, but it can change mid scene.

Standard Threat - Number of Endurance Points per Wound Box

High Threat - Damage Directly to Wound Boxes

Death Threat - Failed skill challenges can result in immediate death.

Tokens of Fate

Three types of tokens are issued out both at the start of each session and as rewards during the story.

Minor - A number of these are issued out at the start of each session. The number is based upon the characters Fate attribute. Minor Tokens may be expended to add one kept die to any roll.

Major - One major token is issued out at the start of each session. This token may be expended to take an additional action in a round, or take your action out of turn.

Legendary - These tokens are only awarded out by the Narrator. A Legendary token may be spent to complete a major game altering action, automatically succeed a roll, or alter something about the current scene.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Open Source Skills

The standard gaming skill system is a set of limiters defining available actions. For the purposes of my current project, I find this lacking.

All skills are rated on a 1-10 scale. These skills add a number dice rolled to the dice pool for appropriate checks. Skills are defined by the player, the more focused the skill the better the trait options.
Ex. Firearms, Small Arms, Hand Guns, Revolvers
Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Construction

Skill Traits
Every 3 ranks in a skill the player may select a trait. These traits are short phrases that define a special ability or aptitude relating to the skill.

Ex. Firearms - Immaculate Gun Care; Hand Guns - Always Has a Concealed Gun; Revolvers - I Drew First

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Heart of the Game

Every table top gamer, ever writer, every story teller will have their own opinion and feel of what makes a memorable character, good story, and wonderful experience. Yet, amongst these divergent opinions there are some key tenants that bring together a pleasant and enjoyable ride.

Merely focusing upon table top gaming viewed through my opinion and experience the following are a few important rules to remember to play and run AWESOME;

1 - The game is for EVERYONE to have fun, if you aren't having fun DMing, if you don't like your character, if you aren't having fun, don't just stop and say I don't like this. Take the time to understand why you don't like it and discuss with your group. You may not be the only one with the problem. This leads to 2.

2- The game is a cooperative bit of storytelling everyone involved in the game is responsible for the game being fun. Just because you are a player, does not mean that you're only duty is to roll the dice the DM tells you to. Be a part of the world, make your character stand out, change the world.

3 - DM's, if you want to make the characters do something don't force them, talk to them about it before hand. Tantalize them with story and let them walk into the gates of hell willingly.

4 - Set the scene. If you want a game to be memorable, get a thesaurus and set a creative and drawing description of the scene that draws both player and character into it. The hardest thing to do is to draw emotion from you players. Challenge yourself as a storyteller and try to set scenes that make the players feel.

5 - Make it fun - If the game is nothing but psychodrama, angst, and struggle, your entire group will lose interest fast. Have some lighthearted and fun games alongside your deep story.

6 - Play to the group - If everyone is playing a certain type of character, run for that type of character. Build a character that compliments the group.

7 - Team Building - The ENTIRE group (DM and Players) should be working together to weave an epic tale. This is not a battle between the DM and Players, the players should not be after one another. I am not saying that there should not be character conflicts, just keep the drama in the game and leave it at the table when you go home.

Last Night at the Opera

Here is a teaser for the next project I will be working on. I'll be stepping away from my normal gaming to focus on this project. Let's hope I complete the project with my sanity in tact.